The Hunt for Child Sex Abusers Is Happening in the Wrong Places

It’s late March when Lauren Book and I head into the bowels of the Florida Civil Commitment Center (FCCC), armed with loose-leaf paper, pencils and the knowledge that we are about to sit face to face with three of the most dangerous sexually violent predators in the state. Full Article

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“This is the most manipulative crowd on the planet?”

“640 of its worst sexually violent offenders?”

“crimes against just adults?”

“But don’t let [the sex offenders] sit between you and the door?”

“Hannibal Lecter?”

I find it really, really hard that every single one of the inmates are as bad as thew one that cut off a child’s head. The fact that this story is coming out of Florida makes the majority of the sensationalist statements about these prisoners highly questionable. Let us not forget that this is the state that sentences people to leave their families and live under bridges as their wives and children struggle, and then smile about the plight they cast these people into. People in that state have their head buried so far up their a_s they are incapable of seeing how wrong they are and all the collateral harm their warped minds cause. Even though they are allot like California; it’s worse in Florida because they don’t have people like Janice standing up and saying “hey; this is wrong.”

The best thing I saw good in the article is the cover of the magazine admitting that “nearly all children who are sexually abused know their abusers.” I say that because someone has to go through two thirds of a pretty long article just to get to the actual subject matter of the article…after reading about how bad these “sex offenders” are. When read as a whole, the article is actually a propaganda piece advocating civil commitment. Disgusting!

I get that Ms. Book should never have gone through the horrific abuse she endured…what was done to her was intolerable. However, when her dad has lobbied to get things like residency restrictions passed, what he has done is intolerable as well. Burying the actual topic of an article so far down should be intolerable as well. It’s as if the writer wrote about the topic reluctantly and wanted to make sure she painted a heart wrenching picture of what “sex offenders” do to kids first. She even ends the article with an interview with someone who has no remorse for his crime, to punctuate that “sex offenders” are a disgusting element of society that should be put away for good.

And now for a different point of view.
1) my particular offence resulted in serving an 18 month sentence.
2)my particular offence is legal is most of Europe: Germany, France, Denmark Sweden, for example.
3) I definitely will not do anything that the “Justice System” would call controversial.
4) However: the Europeans seem to me to have a better and more sensible system.
5) Are they right? Is America wrong? For a million bucks, I’ll provide you with my answer. If you are a bit short, you’ll have to guess.

Is there some other link to this article it just keeps saying that I reached my limit on every browser and computer I have and I know I haven’t looked at newsweek for months

I’m so sick of Lauren Book and her witch hunt.

The title says it all. I really didn’t have to read the rest. Its a morality tale about good and evil. It’s Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf dressing up as Nanny. Sure, most likely one can find real examples that a wolf has eaten a child, so there is some truth in that tale, but this reactionary fear of all wolves has lead to the near extermination of a species. And as long as there is a few horrible crimes to feed this new hunt for the human monster, a hunt and remove policy for this new class of human monster is in every new sex offender law.
Please read the novel “Grendel” by John Gardner (no not that one) to get the monsters prospective or a broader perspective in general. A hero is only as great as the villain he faces. So with Books it wouldn’t work for him to lobby against a bunch of public urinators or Romeo and Juliet, so you have to invoke the image of Hannibal Lecter and apply it to all them monsters. Perception can be shaped by this skilful story teller to appear like reality, despite the lack of facts; that way the collateral damages, people living under bridges, families destroyed, people rounded up and imprisoned with no charge, don’t stand in the way of more and harsher laws.